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Whats new in hair surgery and hair loss?

Whats new in hair surgery and hair loss?

We use a custom tailored hair restoration plan for hair loss for each of our patients. We have such a diverse array of surgical and non surgical methods for hair restoration that Im often asked what is new in hair surgery and hair loss. Contact us here for an appointment.

As a hair transplant surgeon, the first thing that is new is the shift toward more women and transgender patients getting hair surgery and treatments. Hair transplant was once thought of as a treatment for men. Many people suffer from hair loss however, from medications or injury at any age, even in some cases children. Cases of hair loss that are not ‘male pattern baldness’ require an expert eye. We first search for medical causes, and structuring treatments can be an ongoing and interesting challenge.

We successfully treated recent cases of hair loss in a pre-teen with severe allergies, a woman post-chemotherapy by non-surgical methods, a man post-chemotherapy by hair surgery, and for many people who had shedding after covid infection. From this we can see hair loss affects all ages, genders, and causes.

female hair restoration, hair transplantation for women Dr Thaker Las Vegas

In treatment, there is a shift away from strip surgery that began a decade or so ago. The shift is moving even further now, away even from ‘fue’ or follicular unit extraction.

This shift is toward the implanter technique that I utilize in most surgeries. Traditional ‘fue’ makes thousands of tiny 2-4mm linear incisions in the front of the scalp. Implanters can skip this step. A 1mm punch is used to exctract a 1mm graft to implant with a 1mm needle. This is minimally invasive to a welcome extreme as it avoids linear scars and can boost graft survival.

Another new aspect is that hair surgery is becoming increasingly accepted in society, as is cosmetic treatment in general. I believe this is a shift in society towards ‘self care’. There is a healthy belief that care for yourself, your esteem, and your appearance can and should be a priority. Contact us here for an appointment.


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