What is PRP?

We use regenerative medicine treatments to restore and preserve the body’s appearance, physical integrity and functioning. At the forefront is platelet rich plasma therapy or ‘PRP’. PRP is natural and harnesses your body’s own growth factors. We take a small sample of your own blood, and centrifuge this plasma to concentrate the growth factors made by platelets. Finally, we inject ‘PRP’ into the face, scalp or areas of concern, to stimulate the natural regenerative process. Contact us here for an appointment.

How is PRP used for cosmetic procedures?

We use PRP for cosmetic skin care of the face, breast, buttocks or other areas. We often combine PRP with microneedling. For facials some call it a PRP facial, ”vampire facial” or other terms popularized by many celebrities. Microneedling delivers the PRP below the skin, to stimulate healthy regeneration. Dr Thaker also can inject PRP with a tiny ‘mosquito’ needle We even use the remaining plasma as a healing face mask after your procedure. Thus we use every element of the regenerative plasma to produce the greatest results. In under an hour, treatment may help reverse signs of aging and sun damage from decades. Best results are seen about one month later when healthy skin growth and healing develops.
PRP and microneedling or hair restoration Las Vegas Dr Thaker

How is PRP used for hair restoration?

We use PRP to treat thinning hair along with hair restoration surgery or as a stand alone service. We take a small sample of the patient’s own blood, and concentrate the growth factors that come from platelets. Thus, surgical transplantation is often combined with regenerative medicine or ‘PRP’ to stimulate hair graft growth. We inject PRP into areas of concern on the scalp. We inject to maximize growth of the grafts, and also aid in recovery of the ‘donor site’. The main reason is each individual only has so many usable donor hairs. Thus, we support the growth of the grafted hair by using PRP. Contact us here for an appointment.

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